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Franc Novak

Contact information

Address: Jozef Stefan Institute, Computer Systems Dept., Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 61 1773 386
Fax: +386 61 219 385

Biographical sketch

Areas of research

Recent technical reports

Anton Biasizzo, Alenka Zuzek, Franc Novak: Advanced sequential diagnosis environment.

Anton Biasizzo, Alenka Zuzek, Franc Novak: Sequential diagnosis with asymmetrical tests.

Relevant publications

A.Biasizzo, A.Zuzek, F.Novak: Enhanced sequential diagnosis. Research Perspectives and Case Studies in System Test and Diagnosis, (chapter in the book), Kluwer Academic Publishers, ed. John W. Sheppard, William R. Simpson, 1998, ISBN: 0-7923-8263-3.

A.Biasizzo, A.Zuzek, F.Novak: Sequential diagnosis with asymmetrical tests. The Computer Journal, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1998, pp. 163-170. (abstract)

M.Santo Zarnik, F.Novak, S.Macek: Efficient go no-go test of active RC filters. Int. Journal of circuit theory and applications, Vol. 26, 1998, pp. 523-529. (abstract)

M.Santo Zarnik, F.Novak, S.Macek: Feasibility study of oscillation based test structures of active RC filters with built-in test switches. Proc. 4th Int. Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop, pp. 129-134, The Hague, June 8-11, 1998. (abstract)

A.Biasizzo, A.Zuzek, F.Novak: Sequential diagnosis tool. Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on System Test and Diagnosis (IWSTD'98), pp. 3-12, Alexandria, Virginia, April 7-9, 1998. (abstract)

F.Novak, A.Biasizzo, A.Zuzek (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana), P.Helm, M.Bachler, M.Grottke(WIP, Renewable Energies Division, Munich): Real time diagnostic monitoring of Brunnenbach PV plant. Proc. 2nd ISES-Europe Solar Congress EuroSun 98, (in print) (abstract)

M.Santo Zarnik, F.Novak. S.Macek: Oscillation test structures of active RC filters. Proc. IEE Colloquium on Testing mixed signal circuits and systems, pp. 4/1-4/6, London, 23 October 1997. (abstract)

M.Santo Zarnik, F.Novak, S.Macek: Design for test of crystal oscillators. Journal of Electronic Testing, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1997, pp. 109-117. (abstract)

B.Hvala, S.Klavzar, F.Novak: On Y-compatible and strict Y-compatible functions. Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1997, pp. 79-82 (abstract)

M.Santo Zarnik, F.Novak, S.Macek: Design of oscillation-based test structures for active RC filters. Proc. of European Design & Test Conference 97, 17 - 20 March, 1997. (abstract)

F.Mohamed, M.Marzouki, A.Biasizzo, F.Novak: Analog circuit simulation and troubleshooting with FLAMES. Proc. of 14th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, pp.495-502, Princeton, New Jersey, April 28 - May 1, 1996. (abstract)

M.Santo Zarnik, F.Novak. S.Macek: A practical approach to fault localization in crystal oscillators. Proc. of IEEE European Test Workshop, pp.89-93, Montpellier, France, June 12-14, 1996. (abstract)

A.Zuzek, A.Biasizzo, F.Novak: Toward a general test presentation in the test sequencing problem. Proc. of 2nd IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop, pp.236-237, Biarritz, France, 1996, IEEE Computer Society Press. (abstract)

Anton Biasizzo, Franc Novak: A methodology for model-based diagnosis of analog circuits. Proc. CESA'96 IMACS Multiconference, Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, pp. 344-349, Lille, France, July 9-12, 1996. (abstract)

A.Biasizzo, F.Novak: Model-based diagnosis of analog circuits with CLP(R). Proc. Int'l Mixed Signal Testing Workshop, pp.95-100, Grenoble, France, 1995. (abstract)

M.Santo-Zarnik, M.Pavsek-Taskov, F.Novak, S.Macek: DFT of Pierce crystal oscillator - A case study. Proc. Int'l Mixed Signal Testing Workshop, pp.118-123, Grenoble, France, 1995. (abstract)

A.Zuzek, F.Novak, A.Biasizzo, I.Savnik, B.Cestnik: Sequential diagnosis tool for system maintenance and repair. Electrotechnical Review 62(3-4):224-231, 1995. (abstract)

R.Trobec, F.Novak, D.S.Prodan: Design of asynchronous digital multiplex unit - ASIC implementation considerations. Proc. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994 - User Forum, pp.7-11, Paris, France, 1994. (abstract)

F.Novak, N.Sutanovac, R.Trobec: Built-in self testing of communications systems using ASIC technology. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 17(8):475-480, 1993. (abstract)

F.Novak, S.Klavzar: An algorithm for identification of maliciously faulty units. Int'l J. Computer Mathematics, 48:21-29, 1993. (abstract)

F.Novak, I.Mozetic, M.Santo-Zarnik, A.Biasizzo: Enhancing design-for-test for active analog filters using CLP(R). Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 4:215-229, 1993. (abstract)

F.Novak, I.Mozetic, M.Santo-Zarnik, A.Biasizzo: Enhancing design-for-test for active analog filters using CLP(R). J. Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, 4(4):315-329, 1993. (abstract)

I.Mozetic, F.Novak, M.Santo-Zarnik, A.Biasizzo: Diagnosing analog circuits designed-for-testability by using CLP(R). Proc. 4th Int'l Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, pp.105-120, Aberystwyth, UK, 1993. (abstract)

F.Novak, A.Biasizzo, M.Zele. Sequential fault diagnosis in system maintenance: Proc. 7th Annual European Computer Conf. CompEuro 93, pp.119-124, Paris, France, 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press. (abstract)

F.Novak, A.Biasizzo, M.Santo-Zarnik, I.Mozetic: On automatic fault isolation using DFT methodology for active analog filters. Proc. 3rd European Test Conference 93, pp.534-535, Rotterdam, The Netherland, 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press. (abstract)

I.Mozetic, C.Holzbaur, F.Novak, M.Santo-Zarnik: Model-based analogue circuit diagnosis with CLP(R). Proc. 4th Int'l GI-Conf., pp.343-353, Munich, Germany, 1990, Springer-Verlag. (abstract)

F.Novak: Enhancing signature analysis troubleshooting. Electronic Engineering, pp.25-26, July 1990. (abstract)

F.Novak, S.Klavzar, L.Gyergyek: On system diagnosis for transient fault situations. Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 22:273-275, 1988. (abstract)

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