Parallel Numerics provides a forum for the presenatation and exchange of current work on the workpackage WP.5 "Parallel Numerics" of the international project PACT "Programming Environments, Algorithms, Applications, Compilers and Tools for Parallel Computation." Research teams from six countries are taking part in this project: University of Salzburg and RISC Institute Linz, (Austria), Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Budapest (Hungary), University of Bologna and IRSIP-CNR Institute Naples (Italy), University of Czestochowa (Poland) with associated partner Politechnic Instititute Kiev (Ukraine), Slovak Academy of Science and Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), and Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia). The fist two workshops were held in Smolenice, Slovakia (1994) and Sorrento, Italy (1995). The third workshop was organized by Jozef Stefan Institute. The workshop took place in the Hotel Spik in Gozd Martuljek, a small village near Kranjska Gora, the famous ski resort in the north-western part of Slovenia.
ISBN 86-80023-25-6

Program Committee

Organizing Committee

Workshop Program

Session A (Chair: R.Trobec)

Session B (Chair: M.Vajtersic)

Session C (Chair: P.Zinterhof)

Session D (Chair: I.Deak)

Session E (Chair: P.Blaznik)

Session F (Chair:K.Balla)

Session G (Chair: B.Robic)

Session H (Chair: R.Wyrzykowski)


Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ministry of Science and Techonoly of the Republic of Slovenia
Research Institute for Software Technology, University of Salzburg, Austria
University of Bratislava, Slovakia
Aster, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gozd Martuljek, September 13, 1996