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Polonca Blaznik
Contact information
- Office:
- Address:
Jozef Stefan Institute, Computer Systems Dept.,
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Phone: +386 61 1773 363
- Fax: +386 61 219 385
- Email:
Biographical sketch
B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Univ. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1988
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Univ. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1995;
title: Parallel Updating Methods in Multidimensional Filtering.
postgraduate, J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
since 1988
visiting researcher, Parallel Algorithms Research Centre,
Loughborough Univ. of Technology, U.K.,
- 1992-1993, 1994, 1995
Research interests
parallel computation
parallel algorithms in numerical linear algebra
image processing
Direct method for solving sparse linear systems in parallel on
Convex supercomputer (1996-98)(MZT)
Establishing continuing education in the field
of information technologies (1995) (IJS)
From parallel algorithms
analysis to VLSI architecture design for
digital signal and image processing
- (1994-97) (MZT)
Algorithms for parallel computers and
multiprocess systems (1991-94) (MZT)
Computer systems and technologies (1988-92)
Programming environments, algorithms, applications, compilers and
tools for parallel computation
- (1993-95) (CEI)
Selected publications
P.Blaznik, D.J.Evans, J.Tasic.
Parallel updating techniques in image restoration.
Parallel Algorithms and Applications 7:237-253, 1995.
P.Blaznik, J.Tasic.
Solving updated systems of linear equations in parallel.
Proc. Int'l Workshop Parallel Numerics '95, pp.199-210,
Sorrento, Italy, 1995.
P.Blaznik, B.Glaser, J.Tasic.
Parallel updating algorithms for image restoration.
In B.Hertzberger, G.Serazzi (Eds.): High-Performance Computing and
Networking, Proc. HPCN Europe 95, Milan, Italy, May 3-5, 1995,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 919:943, 1995.
P.Blaznik, J.Tasic, D.J.Evans.
Systolic image restoration.
Proc. 4th COST #229 WG.1 Workshop on Adaptive Methods and Emergent
Techniques for Signal Processing and Communications, pp.175-179,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1994, Slovenian Section IEEE.
Matrix triangularization on a MIMD computer.
Proc. 9th IASTED Int'l Symp. Applied Informatics, pp.48-50, Innsbruck,
Austria, 1991, Acta Press.
B.Robic, J.Silc, P.Blaznik, P.Kolbezen.
On reducing the dataflow-graph hosting area.
Proc. 5th Annual European Computer Conf. CompEuro 91,
pp.138-142, Bologna, Italy, 1991, IEEE Computer Society Press.
J.Tasic, P.Blaznik.
Parallelization of the conjugate gradient method applicable
in adaptive transversal filters.
In L.Torres, E.Masgrau, M.A.Lagunas (Eds.):
Signal Processing V: Theories and Applications,
pp.449-452, 1990, Elsevier Sci. Publ.
J.Tasic, P.Blaznik.
Conjugate gradient equelizers adaption algorithm versus LSM algorithm.
Proc. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf. MELECON'89,
pp.201-204, Lisbon, Portugal, 1989, IEEE.
Organizing Activities
member of the Organizing Committee for
the 1st Int'l Modula-2 Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 1989
chair of the Organizing
Committee for the
Parallel Numerics 96
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