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Alenka Zuzek

Jozef Stefan Institute
Computer Systems Department
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
++ 386 61 177 39 00
++ 386 61 177 32 97
++ 386 61 219 385 (fax)

Biographical sketch

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1993
M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1997
postgraduate, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, since 1994

Research interest

Testing and Diagnostics

Selected publications

Anton Biasizzo, Alenka Zuzek and Franc Novak.
Sequential Diagnosis with Asymmetrical Tests
The Computer Journal, Vol.41, No.3, 1998.

Rolf Drechsler and Alenka Zuzek.
AND/OR Graph based Error Diagnosis in Multi-Valued Circuits
To appear in Proc. 2nd IMACS International Conference on: Circuits, Systems and Computers (IMACS-CSC'98)
Piraeus, Greece, 1998.

Rolf Drechsler and Alenka Zuzek.
Efficient Functional Diagnosis for Synchronous Sequential Circuits based on AND/OR Graphs
International Symposium on IC-Technology, Systems & Applications
pp.312-315, Singapore, 1997.

Alenka Zuzek, Anton Biasizzo and Franc Novak.
Toward a general test presentation in the test sequencing problem
Proc. of 2nd IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop
Biarritz, France, 1996.

Alenka Zuzek, Franc Novak, Anton Biasizzo and Iztok Savnik.
Experimental Environment for Sequential Diagnosis
Proc. of Electronic Devices and Systems Conference
Brno, Czech Republic, 1995.

Alenka Zuzek, Franc Novak, Alenka Biasizzo, Iztok Savnik and Bojan Cestnik.
Sequential Diagnosis Tool for System Maintenance and Repair
Electrotechnical Review 62(2): 1-9, 1995.

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Alenka Zuzek, September, 1998